donderdag 9 augustus 2012

just some talk!

So, day 7 of the lokerse feesten has started today.
it's a festival here in my hometown, it's more of a tradition than anything else really, for I never really go for the bands.
It's my dream Hurts will come to the Lokerse feesten one day XD Ofcourse there are other bands I'd love to see life but the Lokerse feesten would never invite those, sadly... because they aren't commercial enough. Hurts still fits in the boundaries the Lokerse feesten has come up with though.

I did buy an adorable ring on the festival.
It looks like an eye wearing a feathered headdress, perfect for someone like me who's got a weird fascination for eyes and loves ATS.
Talking about ATS, the classes will start again next week! I'm SO glad!
My back hurts like hell because of my work, and ATS is perfect to take care of that. plus it's just a lot of fun too, ofcourse!
There was a pendant of this ring as well and I'm thinking about buying that one as well, and more talking about ATS : I've been neglecting my costume....really, I need to make some tribal fusion bellydance accesoires. sadly I only have jewellery-crafting skills.... I'll have to think of something that's not too difficult to make, like a belt or skirt or something. maybe a headpiece ?

other than that, I'm also waiting for a call... I've ordered two triangle shaped tourmalins ( green ) for my 'stolen relic ' earrings I have in mind.
I'll probably have to wait another week though, but I just can't wait to get started on those!

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