zondag 25 augustus 2013


My blog has been so dead lately....I'm so sorry.
it's just that I hardly do anything interesting to blog about! Now that I'm just going around, looking for a job...
So here....have Loki and me camwhoring.


zondag 26 mei 2013

Two new comics !

When in Croatie Cath and I spend most of our time in Zadar.
But, We went to Sibenik as well for a few days.
There they had a nice book store with lots of great comics as well!

The first one I bought is a newly released, special eddition of the all so famous ' The Crow ' Comic.
' The definitive author's vision of the classic Graphic Novel '
Not only is the comic itself longer and ' Finally finished ', but also does it have a nice few words of the author himself, James O'Barr.
He tells us why he ones started to write The Crow, revealing a heart breaking story of his past that gives him a strong connection to the man with the painted face. And we finally get to learn just who this 'Shelly ' was.

Also does he share his experience with the movie ' The Crow ' he was strongly involved with. And so naturally, the books starts with :
" In memory of Brandon Lee "
Makes your heart bleed doesn't it ?

It kinda scares me in a way that there's a chance Tom Hiddleston will be playing the Eric aka The Crow.
It's such a sad story, brought to life by sad events, many believe it's ' cursed ' in a way. Especially after the death of Brandon Lee during the making of the first movie.

But, I do strongly believe Tom would play such a great Crow! We all know his love for poetic literair works of the past and so I'm sure he'll play the role with much respect, and that he'd put all his heart into it.

Can I just point out one of the ' bad guy's ' name is Tin Tin ? It makes me giggle.
The Crow truly deserves it's fame. Now that I've read the ' final ' version of it, I realise just how deep this book goes, like poetry.
I had to read it twice to capture it completely...but now I've completely fallen in love with the story again.

The Second comic I bought is the first Issue of " Saga " .
It's 'adult Fantasy science fiction ' If I had to place it in a subgenre,  and the artwork is amazing.
This comic is the outcome of great teamwork between the writer, Brian K. Vaughan and the artist Fiona Staples.
The story hasn't really set sail yet in the first issue but already I'm hooked.
The characters really get to me, and I love how all the ' main characters ' are in wars against each other yet none of them is a protagonist or ' Bad guy '.

And the Spider lady is Stalk. I adore her...
Isn't she a beauty ?


I'm back from Croatia and I feel more tired than before I left.
You know what they say, " no man needs a vacation as much as a man whom just got one "

I had so much fun there with Cath and we went to see the most beautiful landscapes and places.
Our trip to the waterfalls of Krka ( Is that how you spell it ? ) was one I'll never forget.
It was so gorgeous there, and not just the waterfall itself but also the domain that surrounded it.

The water was ice cold, but I found the courage to go for a fast dive anyway!
I'm sure many people thought I was insane! But not much later another group of people took my example and also gave it a try.

There is so much more to tell but I'll keep it with this!
Cath and I had a lot of fun and I hope we'll be going on another trip together as soon as we get the chance. It's really nice having a travelling-partner that looks for the same things in a trip as you.

Adventure is out there !

vrijdag 10 mei 2013

My next BJD

I've been keeping an eye on Doll Chateau for a while.
Their first doll already left a huge impression on me. It was SO different from all those other doll designs.
The main reason I love BJD's is because they have something haunting, strange, mesmerizing yet enchanting over them.
Most people find them ' creepy ', Yes I too experience something ' awkward ' when around them. But I can't really call it uncomfortable. They make me curious and I find them terribly fascinating.
They inspire me a lot as well. It's strange how an object can trigger so much feelings, emotions and creativity.

The doll chateau dolls have what I find so amazing about BJD's.
Most BJD companies focus on beauty and perfection. They, with their perfect skin, gorgeous figure and model-like face.

But, it seems to me Doll chateau tried to break away from all that.
For them its about impressions, emotions, strong and haunting images.
Faces you won't forget and figures that go beyong human perfection.
They don't want to make a perfect doll, they want to make art.

So, for a while I've been keeping a close eye on Doll chateau, because it was a young company, I realised they still had to find their trademark.
But I just knew that one day they'd make a doll of which you could say " yes, they finally found themselves! This is Doll Chateau ! and this is how it should stay "

And I must say, I think they finally got there!
I can't wait to see their new releases, but their last three dolls all already on my want list.
I won't be able to afford all of them ofcourse, but if I ever have to money, I will buy a Doll Chateau!

Just look at how creative they are with their joints. It doesn't just give the doll this unique look but also gives these dolls a level-up on posing!
I just want to have one of these in my hands, I'm so curious about how they pose.
C'mon even their hands and TOES have joints!

I did laugh a little though when I found out the male dolls actually have ' testicle ' joint.
It's so wrong, that it's awesome.

Here, an image of their feet, because I love those so much

Aren't they adorable ?

Oh you could go SO creative with these dolls. ( they all come nude, no wig, eyes, outfit, what so ever, so you are forced to ' do your thing ' with them . )
I could make something very fantasy-ish or sci-fi -ish...or Horror-ish ....
Like a spirit, something from another planet...or universe... Or just a wise creature that's far beyond human understanding.
They're so out of this world. I just LOVE them. 
I've been thinking about just buying a body and order a head somewhere else.... But I dunno. Their faces are pretty amazing as well..... 

But ofcourse...
I'll need money...
And who knows, they might release a doll I'll love even MORE

woensdag 24 april 2013

I need more Makeup!

I haven't blogged in AGES, I'm so sorry everyone . ( everyone = my 5 followers.... I'm so populair  )
I have a lot to blog about though, I guess I just kinda forgot about blogger while running from one place to another.

Anyway, Today I'll talk about what I hardly have : makeup.
The only thing I have is the basic, like mascara, a few eyeshadows and my BB cream.
However, lately I've been growing more and more interested in makeup.
I love the casual look that's still, edgy. And to do that I need more makeup!

One thing I've been looking for and still haven't found yet, is something to colour my eyebrows red with.
I have my red hair but my brows still are this boring blond.
I ran across this though, and I think I'll be ordering some of these.

But, I can't decide which colour though!
I read a preview about it and it turns out the pink isn't bright bubbly pink but more salmon-ish.
So, I might just go for that one!
And the purple looks amazing as well... hmmmm... but the blue might fit better with my hair ?
If you combine , just this! no eyeliner, eyeshadow... with really sober, monochrome clothing, it would look so unique!
I hope they'll make more colours, like orange and white ! That would be epic.
review : http://www.bowsandcurtseys.com/2013/04/anastasia-beverly-hills-hypercolor-brow.html

I really want to get better in makeup, and mainly in makeup that's fast and easy to apply! You know, something I could do every morning before I go to work.
Always being on the road and all, I really don't have time to spend hours in front of the mirror.
And there are SO many makeup tricks and looks that look great, unique but are so fast to do after some practise. What I also love is makeup that looks unique yet isn't ' extreme ' looking. Because too much makeup wouldn't suit me at all.

Some examples ! :


and then ofcourse you have the crazy makeup that takes ages to apply, but look great on a party!
But that's for my next blog!

woensdag 13 maart 2013

latest shoots!

So ! I have pictures of two different shoots to share with you.
These are from the shoot I did with Bram De Ceurt.
We experimented a bit more with the glitter, and I really wanted some pictures of my new haircut.
What you can't see on those though is that the back of my head is SHAVED.
I love running my fingers though it... I will be keeping this haircut for while I think.

And these are from my last shoot with Laura Sheridan.
I had been playing with this concept for a while and I figured Laura was the person to realise this with.
So thank you Laura for helping me out with this!
We'll be selecting more pictures of this shoot on saturday, so you'll be seeing more of this in the future.

dinsdag 26 februari 2013

So, just something I wish to share

Recently my father and I watched the movie " The scorpion king 2 "
Movie itself was... alright.
But this side character, Ari ... he's the cutest thing.
All the male characters were big, tall, muscular war machines.
And then there was Ari, The poët, who managed to get everyone in unpleasant situations.
This movie is filled with battles, And Ari is always the one hiding underneath a table, or behind a wall, writing everything down while laughing like a maniac.
 And he does it while being utterly adorable.

I want a movie in which he's the main character.
Like now.
Screw Mathayus, the scorpion king.
Ari for king

Never enough gold

Picture by Bram De Ceurt
Makeup by Dennis Heyndrickx
Model and concept : :me !

vrijdag 22 februari 2013

I'm so tired of this weather!

Just how cold was it today ?
It's like winter just started all over again.
I just hate the cold, And I get cold really easily !
In the atelier I always wear two sweaters, because it's always freezing in there!
And this winter really is feeding on my energy.
I need the sun! I need vitamins !

Oh, I can't wait for spring to come...
I really need to see the flowers bloom again, it really does bring a smile on my face.

And I'm tired of wearing a thick winter jacket.
As soon as it gets warmer outside I'll go ' spring shopping '.
Not only because I need new clothes, but also because there's no shopping like spring shopping <3

zaterdag 16 februari 2013

Ring teaser

So, I finally managed to find the time to finish one of the many rings I'm working on.
And I've decided to already share it with you all, so you can have an idea of what's still to come!

The rings is made in Silver, and Black Rhodium.

I can't wait to get back to this little freestyle collection.
sadly, I have to find the time in between the many repairs and other assignments.

Oh, and another thingCath and I are going to Croatia!