donderdag 1 november 2012

It's finally here!

The "Distant Worlds " concert.
Which is actually an orchestra that plays Final fantasy music.
They'll be performing tomorrow in London, in the royal Albert Hall.
I've been a huge final fantasy fan for as long as I can remember. And tomorrow me and all the other european fans will be celebrating it's 25th anniversary.

There's so much about final fantasy to love....It's crazy how talented the Final fantasy team is. They made final fantasy into an art really. Everyone that knows final fantasy will agree that it became more than just a game.
Ofcourse, the music is one of those things that makes it so unique.
It makes everything so real, Fantasy or not, the music can pull you in and take you on a wild rollercoaster ride, or bring you to tears... The music makes you feel as if those lands really aren't that distant...
Once I heard there was this Orchestra touring all over the world playing only final fantasy music, I ofcourse started to stalk it's website, hoping that one day they'd visit Europe.

Luckely they did! and now I'll be going with a small group of friends to see the concert.
Even though the concert is taking place in London, I'm sure the music will take us to places far away.... The gorgeous worlds of Final Fantasy.
Just thinking about it gets me all excited. I won't be sleeping tonight that's for sure.

I already know a few songs will make me freak, like Liberi Fatali, One winged angel, Medley, bombing mission aso...
Actually almost every single one will make me freak.
And then there are those that WILL make me cry.
Like the main Final Fantasy theme ofcourse, and To Zanarkand....Aerith's theme

I can't wait! I'll be leaving early tomorrow so I'll be going to bed in a few hours.
to try and get some sleep.

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