dinsdag 5 februari 2013


I'm sick, so I haven't gone to work today nor yesterday.
On thursday, I'll have to go back to work though.
I'm glad actually, because staying home, in my case, is far from relaxing.
Just yesterday I nearly had a heart attack, well we all did.
my mom woke me up last night, by running up the stairs in panic.
I heard her say something to my father, and they ran back downstairs.
before I knew what was happening, they were in the car.

I couldn't call them, for they had both left their cellphones at home.
I stayed up all night, waiting for them to come home again.
After a night that seemed to last forever, my father walked in, and told me my brother had another attack.
But, he's fine now... he stayed in the hospital for the rest of the day, and is now home again with us.
He's very sick, and now we're just doing what we can to make him better.

So, today I mostly slept, or adleast tried to.
But, I should thank Milinda, she was there for me when I was terrified, and all alone last night.
She was the only one I could contact, because I knew she was still awake at that hour.

Today is my last day off, so I better enjoy it. I'll probably just sleep all day.

oh, and I'm back into my Tintin obsession.
When I wasn't sleeping I was reading and watching the adventures of Tintin
Which reminds me Cath and I still need to watch the old, life action movie of tintin again !

Cath if you're reading this, we need to watch these movies again!

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